Some of you have even been at my home for dinner; Like Matisse, FrogBurger and Priscilla, who are esteemed commenters at my blog (Pris is also a wonderful article contributor).....Blogger FreeThinke knows me through photos of dinner parties I've given over the years, my table settings, etc...(he's a terrific entertainer from the pix he's sent me, I must add, and we've had fun sharing)... So, the bottom line is I'm a pretty good cook and have been told I'm a good hostess. I LOVE having people over; that's all you need, so it's really no talent!
I haven't entertained 1/10th as much as when my dear Mr. Z was alive; he loved having people over even more than I did and, by the way, he helped me a LOT, which is wonderful considering he was a HUSBAND :-) There's a German saying "What you don't have in your mind, I have in my legs" ...he'd say that, and off he'd go to the grocery store (again) for something I'd forgotten to buy, bless him! I say all of this to tell you another tip: If you haven't entertained lately, you might have lost the GROOVE. I have....I am very well prepared and 'have it down' normally....since I haven't entertained at all lately, I'm well out of the groove, trust me. And it showed....and it prompts this comment, the point of my post here:
There we were, six people here...Matisse (a woman friend who I introduced to everyone as 'my date tonight'!), FrogBurger and his lovely and smart wife Lorrie, and a teacher (SO smart) at the school with which I'm associated, and his wonderful wife. It was about 90 degrees outside, but I thought "So what? I have AC! and they'll love this Armenian dinner!" uh huh.
I have a two story condo that's not huge....with six people here, it felt like I had NO AC (when they read this, they will not be amused when they hear I had the AC on the next night and felt like I was in a meat locker!). That night they were here, I was spritzing. FrogBurger's wife thought she was catching a bug that day so she wore a light SWEATER (poor thing!)...but everyone was so gracious and I'm hoping nobody was as uncomfortable as I was. Of course, a hostess is always kind of spritzing because you're running around pouring more wine,, it was HOT. I'd served a kind of Armenian VERY thin flat bread for hors'doeuvres, with really good Feta cheese, big, fat kalamata olives, and thinly sliced prosciutto..... FrogBurger had brought a fabulous bottle of red wine called Cahors, which I'd never had even in Paris, where I lived for four years. BUY ONE, it's my new fave. I served white wine, too. we get through that...good conversation, appetizers, and then dinner; Stuffed vegetables served the Armenian way (called DOLMA in Armenian)....I scoop zucchini out with a special scooper and I save the innards (more on that in a second)...I cut the tops off tomatoes and scoop out those innards...I cut bell pepper tops off....and I stuff all of this with ground lamb, rice, tomatos, S&P, parsley and MINT. THAT is the secret; lots of mint. The second secret (which is now not a secret) is LEMON JUICE. DO not boil in broth or water, just throw in the juice of plenty of LEMONS and that is FABULOUS (if I do say so myself!). (for those who have made stuffed vegetables, don't pile too high in a high pot like I did...I usually cook it in something lower and wider so all the veggies have a chance to steep in the lemon juice so not only the lower levels are juicy, like the case that night)
The best part of that dinner is what I do to the Zucchini innards...chopping it all up finely, salting it and letting it 'leach' the water out...squeezing it dry and then throwing into the dry zucchini innards some beaten eggs and jack cheese and parsley, S&P...this makes a kind of firm souffle (less firm if you don't cook it too long, like I did that night, while I waited forever for the stuffed veggies to cook about forty minutes past the forty-five minutes they should have cooked in.."WHY?!") EVERYBODY loves that souffle. And they were no exception, even in this heat.
For dessert, I served white peaches sauteed in sugar and butter...on vanilla ice cream, with a Pirouette cookie.........that was pretty nice. On another night, I'd have realized IT'S HOT, DO NOT WARM THE PEACHES, the ROOM is doing that all by itself!
For those of you who know the film, I felt like ALICE ADAMS that night (with Katherine Hepburn).........(if you read that link, pay particular attention to the dinner party mention!). (I told my guests I felt like the marvelous Hatti McDaniels that night with her maid's cap wilting in the heat)
I don't usually apologize for my dinner parties, I usually don't have to!....but I did learn something that night (you're never too old), I see humor in that night, I saw gracious guests who overcame the heat better than I did (thank you, folks), and I hope you see the humor in it, too, since you've read this far!
rant finished! (i'm not even reading this again to edit, it was painful living through it, and then writing about it...I don't need a third time)
this is really fun even if you were very hot. thanks for the good read.
maybe you can type the recipe to the inside of the zucchini thing.
You make it sound like a disaster... but the food sounded yummy.
THanks, by no means was it a disaster but it sure was HOT!! and I sure learned a lesson.
The whole time I was planning/cooking, I kept thinking "this is too heavy for the heat wave" but felt the AC would suffice. WRONG! :-)
Anonymous..thanks! I don't give that recipe because I figure nobody's going to take the time to scoop 10 zucchinis out for it; usually it's only made to serve with the 'dolma'...but I will if anybody's truly interested. I've been known to do that and then slice up the zucchini 'shells' and sautee them in onions and tomatoes and basil...with ground meat or not...good!
Geez, you didn't screw up at all. Stop blaming yourself because it wasn't a heavy meal. You want a heavy meal? Let me cook some cheese and cream based French dish.
It was super healthy and I love veggies this way.
Those dolma look amazing. I love dolma.
THanks, FB...I'm glad you liked the dolma... I enjoyed writing this and exaggerated only a little..iT WAS HOT! I'm so glad you were here, though!
A dinner party with you cooking wouldn't be ruined by a little heat.I cooked for a friend last night and I had a good time. Good conversation, good food, and laughter. Can't beat it.
Your dinner sounded yummy no matter what you say about the heat. I live in Florida. If we waited for a cool day to entertain, we'd wait all year ;-)
BTW Mr. Cube's Lebanese grandmother called the stuffed zucchini "koosa". I even have one of those scoopers.
Funny that you would post about this now. My youngest is away at college for her first semester and she's flying down this weekend. Guess what she asked for for dinner? Fatayer (spelling? for the little meat pies) and stuffed grape leaves. Last time she was here during Labor Day, she asked for stuffed green peppers.
Think she misses mom's home cooking?
On the flip side, does that logically suggest that cold meals such as ice cream and cold cuts, etc. should not be served during the dead of winter, even if one has central heat?
FYI: when I am cooking, I 'spritz' like a pig, winter summer spring and fall if I am dealing with four or more courses, but that's just me...
Cube, thanks! and yes, it sounds like your daughter's missing a LOT about her mom!! I hope it was wonderful!
Anonymous,, there is really nothing better than a great night at one's house having friends enjoy the food and talking!
Fredd...I spritz, too, but not like THAT Night!! I don't think that's a logical conclusion because being HOT and then eating HOT is REALLY tough...I just couldn't figure out why the AC didn't hold up as well as it did the night before except if it was six bodies in the house instead of my one the next night.
My guests seemed annoyed at this post as if I was being self-effacing...I really didn't mean to be; we all had a great time and I was hotter than everyone else, apparently, but it was fun to write and to draw the comparison to ALICE ADAMS, etc.!!
Very late to this party, I'm afraid, but you warmed my heart with your kind words, Z. Thank you.
Yes we really have shared some wonderful Christmas celebrations together, haven't we?
I'm very much out of practice these days, however, and feel as though I may have lost my edge when it comes to cooking.
In hot weather, however, I usually take the easy way out and prepare two or three different kinds of salad. If I feel really ambitious (rare these days!) I make a molded gelatin salad involving tomato aspic blended with cream cheese with minced veggies and shrimp or crabmeat folded in when it's half set. It's very good, but getting it to unmold properly so that it looks beautiful can be suspenseful.
The only cooking I might do for a hot summer lunch or dinner would either be corn muffins laced with sharp cheddar cheese, or Pillsbury's crescent rolls which re really very good -- IF you remember to take them out of the oven on time. ;-)
I've burned more than one set in my time, because I got too involved talking with guests.
Sharing good food with loving friends really is one of the good things in life, isn't it?
~ FT
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